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One Philippines News

The Rise of Houston’s Rizal Youth Group

Ryan Tejero

By: Ryan Tejero

KaPaRiz stands for Kabataang Pangarap ni Rizal. It is a youth-driven organization that is organized all over the world to keep the legacy of Philippine national hero, Dr. Jose Rizal. On October 22, 2023, the KaPaRiz of the Lone Star State (KlaSS) was founded and its officers and members were formally inducted at the Mariott Energy Corridor Hotel in Katy, TX. For the first time, the FilAms in the younger generation had found a common ground to bind each other’s commitments and form a concerted voice and affirmations about their sense of pride of their Filipino roots and heritage.


KaPaRiz has the mission to promote among the youth the ideals, principles and virtues of the Philippine national hero, Dr. Jose P. Rizal; to instill among the youth the appreciation of Philippines history, heritage, culture, and arts; to develop leadership, civic mindedness and social responsibility among the youth, and to create avenues for the expression and development of youth creativity, talents and skills.


This year’s induction of the founding officers and members was led by the Chair of Knights of Rizal Texas Area Foundation (KORTAF), Atty. Mel Garraton. In his interview with One Philippines, Atty. Garraton said that “I am so happy for this younger generation to organize the KlaSS. There is a strong need to find a breeding ground for tomorrow’s leaders. This means a lot to the FilAm community here in Houston.”


Inducted as the first set of officers to carry on the responsibility of expanding the membership and actively engaged in achieving the mission of the group were: Claire Rigos, RN– President; Zylene Enciso – Vice President (Internal); Jam Mariano – Garcia andent (External); Erin Revote – Secretary; Mia Casipe – Treasurer; Auditors – Francisco Garcia  and John Ulep, Jr., and Archivists – Rizal Casipe and Airie Revote.

One of the organizers and founders of the group, Imelda Claudette Ellorin-Revote in her social media post said that “I am really surprised to see what they have done such as preparing the venue and doing all the contracts. They are very capable youngsters.”


Special Guest Speaker from the Office of the Philippine Consulate General in Houston, Vice Consul Marco Lopez inspired both the officers, other members, and the community during the induction event about the importance of the life and ideals of Dr. Jose Rizal. He said “Dr. Jose Rizal is a timeless role model for the youth. He is an example of a leader who did not bear arms to become a hero.”


One Philippines Publisher, Bhong Zausa applauded the initiative of Houston’s FilAm youth to organize KlaSS. He said that “We want to see these young people to someday lead our FilAm community. I trust that their early training and understanding of Dr. Jose Rizal’s ideals will guide them in keeping our community vibrant, relevant, and united Filipino Americans.”


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