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One Philippines News

Texas Aroid Show in Houston 2024Theme: Strengthening Texas Plant Communities

Ryan Tejero

By Ryan Tejero

The Annual Texas Aroid Show Houston Exhibition & Sale is one of the most anticipated rare plant exhibitions in Texas. It features the most beautiful and some of the rarest or one-of-a-kind tropical plant. This year’s event was hosted at the Houston Marriott South on October 26, 2024, with over 48 plant vendors, exhibitors, sponsors and participants. The event was flocked by plant enthusiasts from Houston and neighboring cities.

One Philippines was honored to be invited as one of the VIP guests to this year event. The venue was packed with interesting plants both in the lobby area and the exhibition area. There were a lot of tropical plant selections from different vendors. The show created a huge garden of tropical plants with very expensive plants from $300 up to over $1000 per plant. The price did not turn off plant lovers as the most expensive and rarest plants were sold like hot cakes.

FilAm from Houston who attended the Texas Aroid Show, Ann Sabino Tongol, stated that “We are happy to attend this year. The show was an exhibition of hybrid, rare and amazing variegated houseplants for sale. My husband enjoyed his happy place, as he became a plantito – plant enthusiast. He takes pleasure in planting and watching his plants grow.”

Mylene Sloane, CEO and Co-Founder of Texas Aroid Show expressed her deep appreciation to everyone who attended and supported the show. She said that “We have 48 vendors total, with 3 international exhibitors that showcased tropical plants attracting approximately 1,000 attendees, including our esteemed sponsors, vendors, guests and participants, most energetic volunteers, and TAS crew.”

With this year’s theme, “Strengthening Texas Plant Communities,” the show featured collector items of different plant groups from different US states, including Mexico. The Darling of The Crowd (DOC) which was the centerpiece of the Texas Aroid Show became the most awaited part of the event. This year’s winner of the Darling of the Crowd competition was the Anthurium “Delta Force” Wild Roots.

One Philippines Publisher and CEO, Bhong Zausa, in his post event statement said, “I congratulate the organizers of The Aroid Show Houston 2024 for putting up a successful event in Houston. I applaud the leadership of our fellow kababayan Mylene Sloane. Her outstanding project became an opportunity for plant enthusiasts to convene and find a haven of their most longed interest on rare plants. One Philippines is always here to support your future efforts. Thank you for engaging our FilAm community in Houston.”


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