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One Philippines News

One Philippines Signs MOU with the Philippine Association of Beaumont Texas

Ryan Tejero

A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)  is  made and  entered  into  by  and  between  the Philippine  Association  of  Beaumont  Texas  and One Philippines  News  Texas  for the purpose of establishing a partnership and collaboration for the mutual benefit of both organizations for the next two years 2024-2026.


Scope of Collaboration:


Content Sharing:  Both organizations agree to collaborate on content creation and sharing relevant to Filipino  culture,  community  events,  news,  and other  topics  of  interest  to  the Filipino community in Texas.


Event Promotion:  Both organizations agree to promote each other’s events, initiatives, and activities through their respective communication channels, including  but  not  limited  to social media, newsletters, and websites.


Cross-Promotion:  Both organizations agree to cross-promote each other’s organizations to their respective audiences, fostering greater awareness and engagement within the Filipino community.


Supportive Initiatives: Both organizations agree to support each other in initiatives aimed at

the welfare and advancement of the Filipino community in Beaumont and Texas.


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