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One Philippines News

Mrs. Philippines 2023 Crowned at Houston’s FilAm Lions Club Event

Ryan Tejero

By: Ryan Tejero

The annual fundraiser of Filipino American Lions Club of Houston (FALC-H) became a festive pageantry with crowned Mrs. Philippines winners from the previous years. Mrs. Philippines has been the pet project of FALC to raise funds to sustain its ongoing projects. Some of the projects of FALC include Adopt-Seniors, Feed the Hungry, Tree Planting, supporting other community organizations, donating to the twin Lions Club in the Philippines, and maintaining its membership to Lions International. 


Crowned as winners for 2023 were Mary Jane Gacad (Mrs. Philippines Texas), Riyn Herbito (Mrs. Luzon Texas), Leni Quirrez (Mrs. Visayas Texas) and Cindy Williams (Mrs. Mindanao Texas). Each of the winners work with their managers to solicit funds to determine their positioning in the Mrs. Philippines Pageant. This year’s managers include Juliet Beldad and Dioza Ex, Jojo Manlangit, Belle Datu and Jonny Guevarra. This year’s Mrs. Philippines Best in Gown and Best in Talent were awarded to Mrs. Luzon Texas Riyn Herbito.


The fundraising event also highlighted the following awards: Lion of the Year 2023 is Ursula Palacio; Leadership Awardee is Jojo Manlangit, and the Melvin Jones Awardees are Armando Palacio and Magdalena Millard.

Houston FilAm Lions Club formally inducted its officers for 2023

The officers of the Filipino American Lions Club Houston was formally inducted by the District Governor Neil lander on October 14, 2023 at the PSN Bellaire. Elected to their positions were: President - Ursula Palacio; 1st Vice President – Ruth Few; 2nd Vice President – Jun Lacap; Secretary – Belle Datu; Treasurer – Emma Agustin; Membership – Juliet Beldad; LCIF Coordinator – Randy Datu; Service Chairperson – Johnny Guevarra; Club Marketing – Dioza Ex; Tamer – Sonny Agustin; Tailtwister – Andre Cahero; Auditor – Chris Datu, Immediate Pas President – Jojo Manlangit.


Before the year ends, HFALC will pursue a volunteering initiative to join other community members to feed the hungry at the George Brown Convention Center. This event will take place on Thanksgiving Day and HFALC has already listed several working volunteers. And last but not least, to celebrate a productive year that was for HFALC, it will hold an invite-only Thanksgiving and Christmas Party on December 23, 2023. This is the organization’s way of blessing everyone for the same blessings that they gave the organization.


Please reach out to HFALC if you are interested in becoming a member or to support the organization through Ursula Palacio at 832 297 5551 or Belle Datu at 832 420 3701.


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