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One Philippines News

Acknowledging Our History: The Filipino American National Historical Society

Cybil Joy Pallugna-Saenz

Written by Cybil Joy Pallugna-Saenz, FANHSHTX Vice President

As a leader of the Houston, Texas chapter of the Filipino American National Historical Society (FANHS), my journey to understand the significance of Filipino Americans' contribution to the pages of American history began later in life because I didn’t know Filipino American scholars, writers, or novelists existed until I joined FANHS.


My story begins in Chicago, Illinois where I was born to first generation Filipino parents. My family immigrated to America just a year before, and were still adjusting to their new surroundings, work culture, community, city, and country. Despite these challenges, they managed all of it while raising a toddler and an unexpected American baby.


At 7-years-old, the four of us migrated to the South, landing in Northwest Houston, Texas to escape from the harsh cold winters the “Windy City” is known for. We traded snow flurries for hurricanes and never looked back. With many of our family living in California, Canada, and back in the Philippines, Houston’s Filipino community became our chosen family.


As I was growing up on the Northside, my mom and dad were active members of the Filipino community. They helped form the nonprofit organization, Northwest Filipino American Community (NWFAC), which started out as a tennis club in Kleinbrook subdivision and expanded to what it is today. 


My mom worked as a heart telemetry technician at Houston Northwest Medical Center, and my dad worked as a comptroller for an international shipping company and had many side gigs like selling customized children's books, karaoke singing machines, and even gourmet corned beef!


Even though I was surrounded by a robust Filipino community, I didn’t feel like I “fit in” because I was not “Filipino” enough being born in the US and never visited the Philippines (even to this day!). I didn’t understand what immigrating to this country meant for them or the reason for leaving the Philippines beyond fleeing from Martial Law. 


Fast forward to 2019, decades after the end of my short-lived public access television show, “Halo Halo TV”, I once again became involved in the Filipino American community after attending a UniPRO event called, “LUMIKHȂ Arts Showcase: We Are Here”, with my spouse and three boys. It was at that moment when I realized there were other Fil-Ams who were just like me: creative, unique, and willing to use their voice without any regard of ridicule or judgment.


This led me to FANHS, and meeting Christy Poisot, who founded the Houston chapter in 2015, and Patlindsay Catalla-Buscaino, aka “Dr. Pinky” who appointed me Vice President in 2020 during the pandemic. They instilled in me that my story and my perspective matters, and that sharing it with others will empower them to share theirs, too. That this is the way to understand that we may be different but are also the same in many ways. If we set aside those differences and judgements, we, as Filipino Texans, would become a strong, unified community that could make unexpected changes in the landscape of government funding, civic engagement, and granting opportunities.


What is FANHS?


The Filipino American National Historical Society (FANHS) is a non-profit organization dedicated to preserving and promoting the rich history and culture of Filipino Americans. Founded in 1982, FANHS has grown to over 40 chapters across the United States, each working to collect, document, and share stories that have shaped the Filipino American experience.


Who is FANHS Houston?


Houston is the 32nd chapter of FANHS and organizes educational events, oral history projects, and community gatherings to foster a deeper understanding of Houston’s and Texas’ Filipino American history. We believe that by learning from our past, we can better understand our present, and shape a brighter future for generations to come.


What is the 20th Biennial FANHS National Conference?


Join us and the 40+ FANHS Chapters around the nation as we convene for the 20th Biennial FANHS National Conference “Encompassing Our Journeys” from July 16 - 20, 2024 at United Way Greater Houston, 50 Waugh Dr. Houston, TX 77007.


Pre-Conference events include guided NASA and HOUSTON excursion tours on air-conditioned chartered buses, and the Dawn Mabalon Hoedown Welcome Event at Lincoln Bar.


The Conference begins on Thursday, July 18th with speakers from all over the country, an art showcase of Filipino American artists, and concludes on July 20th with a film showcase, a free Bayou-Nihan Market Day, and at night the illustrious Filipino Texan Gala at Ocean Palace.


The mission of the 2024 Conference is to illuminate the pathways that chronicle the intricate tapestry of Filipino American history and cultural contributions. Guided by the four pillars of Rooted, Watered, Woven, and Wisdom, the purpose for this conference is to deepen understanding, foster appreciation, and unite our community through the lens of our Filipina/x/o American history.


Visit to register for the conference and visit to become a FANHSHTX member today!


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